Women of sand and myrrh by hanan al shaykh
Women of sand and myrrh by hanan al shaykh

Al-Shaykh affirms through her story-telling the extraordinary power of fiction. There is Suha, fleeing from Lebanon and unused to the restrictions of secluded Arab life: Suzanne, an American woman who experiences herself anew through the desires of the local men Tamr, a spirited desert woman and a student of Suha Nur, also a local woman but a rich corrupt one whose restless energy pushes her to consume people as carelessly as she covets things. With consumate story-telling skill, al-Shaykh explores the lives of four women living in an unnamed Arab desert society. 'Hanan al-Shaykh lays bare the perverted relations which necessarily exist in a state which denies women their humanity, and does so in a lyrical feeling language whose impact is all the greater for its lack of polemic.' Hanan al-Shaykh's work has been likened to that of Margaret Atwood and Margaret Drabble, yet hers is a voice which is unique not only in the Arab world, but in world literature. Reviews arent verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when its. With consummate story-telling skill al-Shaykh explores the lives of four Arab desert women in this bestselling novel. With consumate story-telling skill, al-Shaykh explores the lives of four women living in an unnamed Arab desert society. Allen & Unwin, 1994 - Domestic fiction - 280 pages.

Women of sand and myrrh by hanan al shaykh