The author obviously understands the Biblical teaching about this issue because she has both characters battling with their feelings throughout. He develops feelings for her but then discovers that she isn't a Christian. We learn early on that Dave is a Christian and assumes that Kate shares his faith. I was interested at this point and looking forward to the rest of the story. The novel begins well with a hostage scene and we are quickly introduced to the main characters Kate from the O'Malley clan and Dave, an FBI investigator who is randomly caught up in the drama. This is the first of her books that I've read and the good news is that I finished it. Henderson is a popular writer so I'm sure she can endure a critical review. These type of books just reinforce the tactics used by evangelicals which in my opinion are extremely counterproductive. However, for those of us who feel religion is very personal, it is a huge turn-off from organized religion. I realize this book is geared toward those who are avid believers and evangelicals and they feel it is their Christian duty to share the word. I finally withdrew from organized religion and homechurched. Even though I was baptized when I was 10 years old, I have had too many people want to "bring me to Jesus" because my church wasn't the "right" one.

For many out there it has just the opposite effect. Those who loved this book probably think this is they way to get people hooked. I do not appreciate proselytizing in my real life and I certainly do not want to read about it. Do evangelical Christians not realize just how arrogant this is? I labored on because I hate not to finish a book. When her sister was diagnosed with cancer and told Kate she was afraid for her soul, I just wanted to puke. Then comes the fact that the hero would not even consider dating the heroine (Kate) because she was not a Christian.

Even before we got to the proselytizing the characters were just a bit too perfect all of them very successful at what they did. I did not realize that this was an inspirational romance when I began reading it.