Chapter 3 Dialogics-the essence of education as the practice of freedom dialogics and dialogue dialogue and the search for program content the human-world relationship, "generative themes," and the program content of education as the practice of freedom the investigation of "generative themes" and its methodology the awakening of critical consciousness through investigation of "generative themes" the various stages of the investigation.

Chapter 2 The "banking" concept of education as an instrument of oppression-its presuppositions-a critique the problem-posing concept of education as an instrument for liberation-its presuppositions the "banking" concept and the teacher-student contradiction the problem-posting concept and the supersedence of the teacher-student contradiction education: a mutual process, world-mediated people as uncompleted beings, conscious of their incompletion, and their attempt to be more fully human. Table of Contents Introduction to the Anniversary Edition by Donald Macedo Foreword by Richard Shaull Preface Chapter 1 The justification for a pedagogy of the oppressed the contradiction between the oppressors and the oppressed, and how it is overcome oppression and the oppressors oppression and the oppressed liberation: not a gift, not a self-achievement, but a mutual process.